life is pretty hard when its -10 degrees and you have to move around carrying all your stuff and all you have is one punctured cycle.
This pic is taken in Oslo, Norway with my minolta dimage Z1. Record says Oslo is one of the most expensive city to live and among top 5 cities of the world having best living standard but I guess for some its still a 3rd world city. your comments are warmely welcome.
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Georg K.

Yes - as we all know - it is not cheap here at all - but I'm not getting tired about trying to explain how much I like this town.
Nevertheless - your image is showing a different part of the life in Oslo - even though it could be everywhere - the image is devoted to the person - and not the town (without text).
What I like in this image of yours is the clear subject - the pure focus.
Problem is - my view - you picture the person from the back - that means also, that there is no direct contact, and so the image has to replace this imagination of being part of the scene, of getting the real taste of it.
Since you have cut the image very tight - even cropped off the head of the two persons walking by - you are loosing momentum.
Regular perception would trigger something like compassion - but it is too easy to walk away from this image without getting a deeper impression.
Short - I believe in your vision, idea, chosen elements, composition of sharp, focused and blurred elements - but it should have shown the face.
Brutal reality of consumption - and still a good idea.
Kamran I.

Hello Sir.

Pleased that you took some time to show other sides of this pretty shitty city called Oschlo among its inmates, but Oslo among ''foreigners''

The problem is not the catchy idea of someone watching from behind, from the corner, from above, from the side or gettin` the idea/ message you wanna give, the prob is gettin` the eye contact to REALLY feel excactly HOW it feel to be in his or her shoes....

I would`ve kept the head of the tall dude passin` by, by cuttin` (crop) it a bit different.

Vision;--> clear, reality;--> brutal, elements;-->realistic...

But still i need some more darkness and pain in it....

Kind regards,


sohail i.

thanks to both of you for such a detailed look and comments on my image. keep sharing -zohailz-
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