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Trygve A.
En flott fanget situasjon !
Å få full pakke på en dorg er en fantastisk opplevelse
Smilet til hovedpersonen er prikken over i'en.
Ville gjerne sett litt mer av personen til høyre også, men fisken på ripa til venstre må absolutt være med.
MVH ...Trygve
Tove H.
Liker utsnittet akkurat som det er. Smilet er på plass og hever bildet. Flott formidlet glede over sprellende makrellfangst - full pott på dorg.
Hilsen Tove
Jan-Eilert P.
Liker dette jeg. Masse glede og et sprekt utsnitt. Passe sprøtt til at bildet ikke er åpenbart og gir rom for refleksjon. Typisk deg.
Avsluttet .
Fabelaktig situasjonsbilde hvor du bringer fiskelykken og fiskegleden inn i stua til en undertegnede som vel for å si det mildt definitivt er en landkrabbe. Og det er en prestasjon. At du klarer å formidle dette på en sånn måte har nok noe å gjøre med nærheten du har til motivet, du har stått tilnærmet klint opp i hendelsen da du tok bildet, og fremstått mer som en observerende deltager i situasjonen fremfor en distansert kikker. Og det er akkurat i den sammenheng en ser forskjell på fotografer. Forskjellen mellom de som med distansert holdning står langt unna bak teleobjektivet - til sånne som deg her - som går rakt og direkte inn i situasjonen når du skal ta bildet.
Knut-Inge J.
Tusen takk, Trygve, Tove, Jan-Eilert og Tommy for hyggelege og inspirerande tilbakemeldingar! Det koker godt med adrenalin når makrellen angriper dorga med full tyngde :-)
Georg K.
Are we as a group, or individual viewers really that advanced in our image-reading / understanding / relation that we can without any question appreciate an image like this one ?

No question is that it is a good one - similar like the previous one posted at BG.

But I'm somewhat surprised how easy we accept that in this image about a very special, tense, intriguing moment of two people, close to eachother - mother and child - we do not see their heads at all !
( didn't see any remark even touching upon it )
Aren't we under all normal circumstances trimmed, trained, used and to a degree even committed to check upon the faces of people we should, or want to relate too ?

I see all what Tommy has mentioned, I do agree with him in all points, I share the same fascination and I do see the same qualities in this image as in the other one - and still, how is it explained that such an important part of what - and how we normally see is missing here - cropped away with the purpose to make the image even stronger, more communicative ?

- Is it the fascinating idea that despite the limited image-information we are still able to relate, to recognize ?
- Is it the small triumph to overcome the hurdle - I understand even though I don't see ?
- Or is it really the intellectual enjoyment of a beginning abstraction ?

But using an abstraction of something what is as simple as pure joy, excitement - what could be the reason for doing so ?
- Isn't an abstraction being used in order to communicate complex issues - too complex as they could be explained as short as sometimes a medium demands it ?
- Aren't we using abstractions when we would like to refer to them, without making them to the centre of our expression ?

- Is this crop really right done ?
- Is really the fish, now in the centre of the image, the main point in this image - or are the two people, engaged in their fishing the main subjects - in relation to the fish ?

All these questions actually only show one thing for sure - I really don't understand cropping.
Yes, sometimes you cut away to refine an impression, you use it to achieve a balance in the image ( by content, rules, weight etc. )
But chopping off two heads in this image without raising any question seems somewhat odd to me.
You need to understand that I'm not questioning your image, but my positive response to it - because it is all too easy to just react instead of understand.

So, I guess the real question is - what is the secret behind your idea for this crop :)?
Knut-Inge J.
Hei Georg. Forståt at du gjerne tar i mot svar på norsk, så derfor: Nok en gang tusen takk for grundig, velreflektert og utfordrende tilbakemelding på et av mine bilder. Som alltid setter jeg stor pris på det. Vet likevel ikke om jeg kan svare med overbevisning på ditt spørsmål :-).
Vanlivis cropper jeg ikke bildene mine.Jeg får faktisk "litt vondt" hver gang - særlig når de i utgangspunktet er kvadratiske, som her. Dessuten er som regel ansikt og øyekontakt viktig. Når jeg likevel har gjort det her, så er det vel rett og slett for å rendyrke og isolere SMILET/GLEDEN over denne opplevelsen. Dessuten at selve KROPPSSPRÅKET hos begge personene underbygger nettopp dette, og dermed gjør ansiktsuttrykkene overflødige..... Er det dette jeg har tenkt...? Håper det. Men igjen - mange takk.
Georg K.
Thanks for the answer - and yes, I see what you were aiming for, as I admit that there is something to it, or with other words, your idea has been working.
Trying to "add" the information from both images ( Bg & BK ), it is hard to avoid thinking that you would have lost without cropping - but thats actually not really the question, as the image as such is the one to be seen and to relate too.
Fact is that both images have an incredible amount of "life" in them,
something what makes them very likable, and after a while I start to feel some sympathy for the attempt of trying to work with this, and isolate exactly this "joy" , instead of "using" the persons as messengers.
:) - conclusion - I really like both images, and on top they have kept me busy for quite some time - how much more can one expect from a photo :))
It's funny, but your images often trigger something in me - they "feel" right in a way.

Knut-Inge J.
Thank you, Georg, as always - a new inspiration :-)
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