Eva Linda M.
I am originally french and grew up in France but moved to the UK at the age of 7. There I live in England and Northern Ireland for many years before moving to beautiful Norway. I began studying photography in 2004 when I went to an Art College after leaving secondary school. In my very first photography class our assignment was to build a pinhole camera, take a picture with it and develop it, I fell in love with photography on that day. Until today I still prefer to work with analog cameras when I can have access to a darkroom. I love analog for its endless possibilities, its unpredictibilities, its unquestionable quality... I later attended a Fine & Applied Arts course at university in which I now have my degree. There I continued to study various techniques in Art but always concentrating on the photography. I am still quite experimental with the cameras and media I use. I moved to Norway just after my graduation at university. I hope to settle here and one day soon make a life as a photographer. I am currently searching for a studio and darkroom I can work in. :)
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