LensInfo 500mm f/?
MaskGroupBasedCorrectionsCorrectionMasksMasksDabsM 0.677306 0.637062, M 0.683502 0.641984, M 0.690160 0.645263, M 0.696865 0.648279, M 0.703358 0.651818, M 0.710004 0.654962, M 0.716760 0.657773, M 0.723510 0.660617, M 0.730369 0.662331, M 0.737250 0.664274, M 0.744091 0.666477, M 0.750916 0.668870, M 0.757753 0.671188, M 0.764678 0.672817, M 0.771308 0.675268, M 0.778155 0.677368, M 0.784787 0.680770, M 0.791384 0.684328, M 0.798085 0.687410, M 0.804969 0.689354, M 0.811807 0.691648, M 0.818481 0.694823, M 0.814536 0.697886, M 0.807562 0.698754, M 0.800552 0.698573, M 0.793574 0.697605, M 0.786647 0.696071, M 0.779786 0.693908, M 0.772942 0.691630, M 0.766054 0.689670, M 0.759166 0.687710, M 0.752300 0.685588, M 0.745453 0.683331, M 0.738586 0.681208, M 0.731739 0.678957, M 0.724925 0.676481, M 0.718150 0.673776, M 0.718588 0.672870, M 0.725468 0.674886, M 0.732356 0.676846, M 0.739225 0.678925, M 0.745963 0.681832, M 0.748495 0.683234, M 0.741759 0.680466, M 0.734893 0.678343, M 0.727987 0.676532, M 0.721074 0.674778, M 0.714137 0.673279, M 0.707182 0.671952, M 0.700232 0.670570, M 0.693286 0.669136, M 0.695563 0.670917, M 0.702430 0.673041, M 0.709316 0.675009, M 0.716214 0.676893, M 0.723102 0.678846, M 0.724740 0.679948, M 0.717861 0.677948, M 0.711011 0.675706, M 0.704158 0.673485, M 0.697306 0.671265, M 0.690477 0.668887, M 0.683655 0.666459, M 0.676775 0.664452, M 0.669881 0.662545, M 0.674121 0.663425, M 0.680987 0.665548, M 0.687815 0.667929, M 0.694628 0.670405, M 0.701513 0.672388, M 0.708364 0.674615, M 0.704009 0.675259, M 0.697062 0.673841, M 0.690125 0.672328, M 0.683219 0.670518, M 0.676313 0.668707, M 0.669407 0.666897, M 0.673423 0.666553, M 0.680272 0.668773, M 0.687072 0.671333, M 0.693862 0.673951, M 0.700668 0.676474, M 0.700270 0.677024, M 0.693382 0.675065, M 0.686499 0.673066, M 0.679618 0.671053, M 0.672729 0.669110, M 0.665786 0.667653, M 0.665497 0.666032, M 0.672409 0.667554, M 0.679299 0.669488, M 0.686179 0.671511, M 0.693065 0.673486, M 0.699957 0.675415, M 0.706828 0.677496, M 0.713666 0.679817, M 0.720523 0.681997, M 0.727424 0.683849, M 0.731727 0.684769, M 0.724793 0.683225, M 0.717893 0.681362, M 0.710993 0.679499, M 0.704074 0.677805, M 0.697149 0.676166, M 0.690212 0.674675, M 0.686164 0.674575, M 0.692964 0.677135, M 0.699774 0.679639, M 0.706614 0.681936, M 0.713468 0.684148, M 0.720334 0.686277, M 0.727219 0.688260, M 0.734104 0.690242, M 0.741005 0.692092, M 0.747926 0.693767, M 0.754839 0.695510, M 0.761686 0.697767, M 0.768521 0.700106, M 0.764107 0.698144, M 0.757367 0.695251, M 0.750626 0.692359, M 0.743846 0.689687, M 0.737059 0.687048, M 0.730274 0.684403, M 0.723502 0.681678, M 0.716732 0.678947, M 0.717417 0.678576, M 0.724253 0.680907, M 0.731078 0.683307, M 0.737897 0.685754, M 0.744711 0.688225, M 0.751541 0.690597, M 0.758407 0.692721, M 0.765259 0.694939, M 0.772075 0.697400, M 0.778924 0.699635, M 0.785815 0.701566, M 0.786668 0.699855, M 0.780033 0.696566, M 0.773235 0.693997, M 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0.667355, M 0.724074 0.665307, M 0.717208 0.663183, M 0.719549 0.664284, M 0.726271 0.667255, M 0.733021 0.670099, M 0.739867 0.672344, M 0.746736 0.674451, M 0.753677 0.675829, M 0.747196 0.673234, M 0.740395 0.670677, M 0.733591 0.668144, M 0.726781 0.665647, M 0.719952 0.663264, M 0.713124 0.660880, M 0.706292 0.658522, M 0.699413 0.656490, M 0.692534 0.654458, M 0.687622 0.652933, M 0.694566 0.654087, M 0.701411 0.656363, M 0.708262 0.658593, M 0.715116 0.660805, M 0.721997 0.662817, M 0.728860 0.664954, M 0.731126 0.666145, M 0.724288 0.663829, M 0.717462 0.661429, M 0.710636 0.659028, M 0.703788 0.656781, M 0.696936 0.654551, M 0.690336 0.651563, M 0.696301 0.653504, M 0.703146 0.655781, M 0.710037 0.657705, M 0.716502 0.659538, M 0.709618 0.657628, M 0.702846 0.654903, M 0.695924 0.653256, M 0.688994 0.651671, M 0.682081 0.649917, M 0.683925 0.647971, M 0.688349 0.647973, M 0.681862 0.644142, M 0.675167 0.641138, M 0.672047 0.644172, M 0.674029 0.652680, M 0.681024 0.653383, M 0.688024 0.653949, M 0.695028 0.654441, M 0.702030 0.654950, M 0.709023 0.655702, M 0.716017 0.656436, M 0.722639 0.658778, M 0.729052 0.662927, M 0.735821 0.665626, M 0.742711 0.667544, M 0.749571 0.669694, M 0.756430 0.671868, M 0.763296 0.673991, M 0.770120 0.676345, M 0.776502 0.680361, M 0.782322 0.685951, M 0.788466 0.690967, M 0.795096 0.694343, M 0.801557 0.698373, M 0.808358 0.700847, M 0.815172 0.703302, M 0.821903 0.706241, M 0.828699 0.708810, M 0.835422 0.711776, M 0.842311 0.713715, M 0.849200 0.715631, M 0.855946 0.718284, M 0.862063 0.722449, M 0.863991 0.724524, M 0.857439 0.720832, M 0.850731 0.717789, M 0.843902 0.715411, M 0.837073 0.713033, M 0.830231 0.710735, M 0.823385 0.708469, M 0.816539 0.706202, M 0.809646 0.704288, M 0.802744 0.702448, M 0.795850 0.700533, M 0.789177 0.697718, M 0.795803 0.701141, M 0.802585 0.703803, M 0.809372 0.706442, M 0.816170 0.709010, M 0.822969 0.711579, M 0.829831 0.713732, M 0.836700 0.715830, M 0.842722 0.717380, M 0.836179 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0.658110, M 0.691935 0.655386, M 0.685273 0.652136, M 0.678507 0.649669, M 0.671618 0.648575, M 0.667414 0.654373, M 0.670752 0.651135, M 0.677078 0.649195, M 0.683716 0.652564, M 0.690385 0.655804, M 0.291596 0.483110, M 0.296736 0.484754, M 0.301877 0.486398, M 0.307018 0.488042, M 0.306860 0.492527, M 0.301803 0.494525, M 0.296585 0.495472, M 0.291466 0.493931, M 0.290504 0.488186, M 0.295506 0.486062, M 0.300706 0.486779, M 0.305326 0.489984, M 0.305369 0.497291, M 0.301005 0.501033, M 0.295837 0.500381, M 0.290888 0.497780, M 0.290652 0.491477, M 0.293630 0.486374, M 0.298827 0.485281, M 0.304041 0.485745, M 0.306508 0.492158, M 0.304165 0.497433, M 0.298928 0.497533, M 0.293844 0.495663, M 0.288986 0.492690, M 0.288870 0.487496, M 0.293850 0.485096, M 0.299072 0.484431, M 0.304276 0.485204, M 0.308671 0.488935, M 0.309349 0.496608, M 0.304955 0.499513, M 0.299892 0.497587, M 0.295121 0.494305, M 0.291551 0.488889, M 0.295036 0.483838, M 0.300038 0.481667, M 0.305221 0.482221, M 0.309808 0.485731, M 0.311501 0.492872, M 0.309025 0.499233, M 0.304066 0.501316, M 0.298819 0.501504, M 0.293657 0.500303, M 0.288718 0.497790, M 0.284817 0.492820, M 0.285342 0.485310, M 0.289423 0.480613, M 0.294560 0.479213, M 0.299217 0.482411, M 0.302027 0.488873, M 0.300285 0.495380, M 0.295076 0.496227, M 0.289923 0.495185, M 0.286062 0.491906, M 0.290939 0.494221, M 0.295904 0.496799, M 0.301059 0.498210, M 0.306300 0.498148, M 0.311356 0.496402, M 0.314965 0.490994, M 0.315480 0.496036, M 0.314859 0.502791, M 0.317947 0.496585, M 0.322152 0.491855, M 0.320909 0.485599, M 0.316805 0.480820, M 0.311889 0.478037, M 0.306800 0.476613, M 0.301690 0.475158, M 0.296472 0.474256, M 0.291230 0.474149, M 0.286027 0.474518, M 0.283555 0.481002, M 0.283874 0.488701, M 0.287710 0.493958, M 0.286484 0.493780, M 0.281424 0.491644, M 0.276997 0.490181, M 0.281835 0.493162, M 0.286848 0.495533, M 0.285624 0.495152, M 0.280519 0.493274, M 0.275414 0.491396, M 0.270729 0.489689, M 0.275769 0.491924, M 0.280841 0.493994, M 0.285932 0.495948, M 0.291099 0.497395, M 0.292668 0.497157, M 0.287650 0.494825, M 0.282565 0.492841, M 0.277447 0.491041, M 0.275617 0.491557, M 0.280594 0.494054, M 0.285703 0.495886, M 0.290844 0.497520, M 0.296050 0.498603, M 0.301283 0.499267, M 0.297587 0.496468, M 0.292470 0.494739, M 0.287567 0.494976, M 0.292187 0.497613, M 0.297406 0.498436, M 0.302653 0.498854, M 0.307905 0.498504, M 0.313129 0.497863, M 0.317290 0.494531, M 0.313108 0.490502, M 0.308013 0.488576, M 0.304305 0.490221, M 0.308653 0.494320, M 0.309212 0.490178, M 0.304411 0.487120, M 0.299291 0.485336, M 0.294122 0.484830, M 0.295303 0.490740, M 0.300272 0.493205, M 0.305440 0.494583, M 0.310694 0.494836, M 0.312511 0.490585, M 0.308186 0.486251, M 0.303327 0.483244, M 0.298247 0.481266, M 0.293103 0.479709, M 0.287881 0.479161, M 0.290052 0.484739, M 0.294850 0.487936, M 0.299967 0.489738, M 0.305182 0.490641, M 0.306101 0.486217, M 0.301407 0.482901, M 0.296255 0.481549, M 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0.495780, M 0.316558 0.488530, M 0.314685 0.482947, M 0.309749 0.480257, M 0.305018 0.477235, M 0.299903 0.475648, M 0.294717 0.474428, M 0.289507 0.473444, M 0.284264 0.472929, M 0.279068 0.471795, M 0.280723 0.472399, M 0.285903 0.473727, M 0.291089 0.475007, M 0.296206 0.476806, M 0.301300 0.478749, M 0.306376 0.480790, M 0.311506 0.482500, M 0.316503 0.484901, M 0.314151 0.483180, M 0.309150 0.480762, M 0.304057 0.478815, M 0.298930 0.477074, M 0.293705 0.476275, M 0.293885 0.476982, M 0.298913 0.479260, M 0.303839 0.482007, M 0.308499 0.485638, M 0.313320 0.488731, M 0.318219 0.491549, M 0.315785 0.494896, M 0.311469 0.498615, M 0.306242 0.498524, M 0.301008 0.497801, M 0.295820 0.496592, M 0.290653 0.495151, M 0.285486 0.493700, M 0.280323 0.492234, M 0.275150 0.490855, M 0.338454 0.498497, M 0.343433 0.501019, M 0.342006 0.501423, M 0.336803 0.500310, M 0.337569 0.501970, M 0.342413 0.505004, M 0.347513 0.506759, M 0.343010 0.504503, M 0.341276 0.503466, M 0.346441 0.504919, M 0.351669 0.505677, M 0.348063 0.504550, M 0.342919 0.502933, M 0.337778 0.501299, M 0.334923 0.499973, M 0.339942 0.502297, M 0.345080 0.503911, M 0.317880 0.496644, M 0.312864 0.499002, M 0.307848 0.501360, M 0.302797 0.503474, M 0.297567 0.504217, M 0.292351 0.503488, M 0.287273 0.501493, M 0.282315 0.498972, M 0.277545 0.495659, M 0.272774 0.492348, M 0.268644 0.488142, M 0.267351 0.481636, M 0.272295 0.484103, M 0.268639 0.485695, M 0.263664 0.483243, M 0.260292 0.477498, M 0.259006 0.470785, M 0.261090 0.477266, M 0.256419 0.477357, M 0.256672 0.470429, M 0.261582 0.468033, M 0.266519 0.469802, M 0.268811 0.476581, M 0.264436 0.478780, M 0.262785 0.472511, M 0.267531 0.469504, M 0.272736 0.469625, M 0.275358 0.475599, M 0.271647 0.480042, M 0.273930 0.475720, M 0.278990 0.473763, M 0.279784 0.479278, M 0.276121 0.484908, M 0.279906 0.484642, M 0.285126 0.483712, M 0.290234 0.484469, M 0.292704 0.491051, M 0.297935 0.491366, M 0.303098 0.490060, M 0.303056 0.491171, M 0.308175 0.489384, M 0.311419 0.490693, M 0.315814 0.489144, M 0.317179 0.495414, M 0.312128 0.497535, M 0.306922 0.498598, M 0.301678 0.498165, M 0.296428 0.497801, M 0.291182 0.497296, M 0.285990 0.496077, M 0.280851 0.494438, M 0.275756 0.492505
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